English・Talking About Buddhism・仏教と真言宗
TOP>English・Talking About Buddhism・仏教と真言宗
参考:講談社「英語で話す仏教」より 監修:川島 幸子 訳:根本 孝英
Q1:When and how was Buddhism, which was bom in India, transmittedto the world?
Q2:What is the Shingon Sect?
Q3:What is the fundamental difference between Buddhismand Christianity?
Q4:What is the meaning of Ohigan ?
Q5:What do yo do during Ohigan days ?
Q6:Six Perfections, called "Rokuharamitsu" are practiced on Ohigan days. Please explain Six Perfections.
Q7:What is the meaning of Hanamatsuri? When and what do you do then?
Q8:Explain about the history and the origin of "Hanamatsuri"?
Q9:What does mutability means in Buddhism?
Q10:What is "nothing has an ego"?
Q11:What is spiritual "enlightenment"-satori?
Q12:What was it that the Buddha awakened to ?